Tuesday 15 October 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend

The sailboats are out at Grand Bend. A great looking Thanksgiving Monday at the lake.
This was a busy weekend around here. First I hauled my boat on Friday, Sunday was turkey dinner at Danielle and Kyle's home.....17 of us plus 4 grandchildren.....not everyone could make it.....Monday back to the lake to wash and cover my boat. This weekend also was the haul out for the GBYC at Grand Bend.....an early one for the club this year. After I got my sailboat in order on Monday I took a walk down on the beach. The water was warmer than in June as I walked barefoot along the shoreline, just shorts and tee shirt. There was a few sailboat out for a sail still including Bill Morrison GBYC member and dock neighbour this year. Talked to Bill for a bit when he got in...what a great weekend for being outdoors...George

Grandchild number three, Kingston is seen checking out a pumpkin.
Mark Crompton gets an early start at dinner. Mark's power boat came out today (Tuesday).
Our daughter and son-in-law, Danielle and Kyle our hosts for Thanksgiving this year. Kyle did a great job preparing the food. We all do help out since it was such a large gang.

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