Friday 18 October 2013

Photos from Bayfield 2013

I usually make up a lead in photo for my photo files. Most times I just use a note such at this one.

I was going through my photos from this past summer and found a few views that I thought I would share with you....George

On the beach near the pier in Bayfield one can find a nice collection of stone. Susanne and I usually look for some unusual ones. On this day Susanne was looking for stones to make a foot. I decided to make one too....guess which one is mine.
One of the Adirondack chairs positioned on the berm to watch sunsets.
Heading north up the beach from the marina one finds Deer Lodge. They have a nice setup including this beach hut which is a good spot to get a cold one.
One of my favorite pass times is walking the beach looking for beach glass. Some days I find one or two pieces while other days I get a pretty good haul. Here is what I came up with on one of my better days.

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