Wednesday 28 August 2013

The Last Long Weekend

Grace fills her pail while Susanne, Ruby Nicole and Owen enjoy the beach on the Civic Holiday weekend in the warm sunshine. The weather was the best in a while as most of  June and July was either rainy or cool.
It will be interesting to see how this Labour Day weekend unfolds. Will it rain or be nice, will all the kids show up at the lake, or maybe not. I just never know. But that is a nice thing...every long weekend is different and that keeps things fresh. I posted a few of my photos from the Civic Holiday weekend past. Enjoy your long weekend in any form it takes...I sure hope to with whoever shows up at the lake...George

Grace works on filling the pail. Along the shore in Bayfield there is a good amount of smaller stones. The water has a sandy base and just above the water line (above the stones) sand begins once again. The kids seem to enjoy the stones more than the sand.
Danielle Grace and Nicole stroll the beach. Not far down from where we sat a beach wedding renewal was taking place. They could not have picked a better day. We could hear the band play through the evening on our boat as the cottages are not far off.
Nathan gives Owen some stones to play with...just have to watch that he does not try to eat them...Owen has a very healthy appetite.

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