Thursday 1 August 2013

Bayfield 2013

An early spring view of Trekker on the floating dock. Fellow GBYC member Bill Morrison is just two over and at the time of the photo GBYC member Ted Gillis boat  is next to mine. As it turns out there are three ex-GBYC boats in this basin his year.
After 12 seasons of boating in Grand Bend at the GBYC, this year I moved  Trekker (our Pearson 33-2) to Bayfield, Ont. This was due to very low water in the early spring at the Bend. I am currently located in the lake front basin on the floating docks bow to bow as it turns out with my good friend Brad...George Dutka

The beach in Bayfield is not the soft sand that one finds in Grand Bend but is nice in it's own way.

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