Thursday 22 August 2013

Beach evenings in July

Susanne and Ruby stay over mid-week in early July. Michelle is also along this evening and took the photo near sunset.
 One of the great things about being in the lakefront basin in Bayfield is the few short steps to the beach. We spend most days at sunset there. It is kind of nice to make a coffee on the boat or grab a beer and head down to catch the end of the day. On occasion we even build a fire out of the driftwood found in abundance. The following are a few of our views from this past July...George.

Sunset on Bayfield beach with beers and a fire.

Michelle and Devin came up for a couple of days in July. We got in two nice days of sailing. We spent an evening on the beach having a fire and a few frosties. We viewed a great sunset followed by some fireworks near the pier. Near Deer Park Lodge a group of Chinese lanterns had been sent off into the darkness. A real nice scene for us to view.
As the last day of July ends Susanne and Ruby are seen collecting some stones and beach glass.

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