Monday 26 August 2013

Kendall and Brandy - Tie the Knot

Left to right Michelle, Kendall, Amber and Nicole.
This past weekend Susanne and I attended the wedding of Brandy and Kendall. Kendall and his sister Amber, our family have known for years. Our kids have become very good friend through the years beginning back in 2001 when we launched our sailboat for the first time at the GBYC in Grand Bend. Shortly after we launched our boat a gentleman walked up to us saying, hey I think I know you...well it was Kendall and Amber's dad Micky who we had known from our youth. We had not seen him in decades and an old friendship began once again including our children.

Brandy and Kendall are both sailors that kept a 24' Shark sailboat on Lake Erie. This year they sold the Shark and purchased a Catalina 30. A great boat with twice the room. With the marine heritage of the two they added to their vows the actual "tie the knot" actual sailors knot.

At the wedding it was also great to see two  past GBYC kids included in the wedding party, Jason Brown, son of GBYC member and friend Randy Brown and Andrew who I had not seen since his time at the club as a sailing instructor in the early 2000's. It was great to connect with all the kids and see how they have all grown up from teenagers to adults...George Dutka

Left to right, Nicole, Jason, Michelle and the groom Kendall. Hard to believe they are all grown up.

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