Friday 2 August 2013

Bayfield Sunsets

A sailboat returns as the sun dips below the waterline at the entrance to Bayfield harbour.
The way my boat is docked (facing West) I can watch the sunsets over the lake from my cockpit. Although I don't actually see the sun set into the water due to the berm between the basin and the beach I do see the before and after affects. I find the best show in the sky is just after the sun has set. If there is any cloud cover many different effects happen nightly. Enjoy the show...George Dutka

I was over on the south side of the river in Bayfield one evening to catch the sunset. The sun has set about 5 minutes ago when I captured this view.
On a June evening I was able to capture a flock of geese passing by low over the water...just adds to the view.
If you don't want to watch the sunset from your boat or on the beach you can find one of the chairs on the top of the berm and enjoy the view with a coffee or beer.
Sunset in June 2013

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