Monday 27 July 2015

Thursday Night Sunset

Chris and Jessica pass the falling sun last Thursday.
On Thursday night a group gathered as on most evenings to watch the sun fall into the lake. It always is a good way to catch up on sailing adventures and life in general. On this occasion my boat neighbor aboard "Five Seas" Chris and his daughter Jessica are out for a  dingy ride and pass the sun. Chris moves aboard his boat every July and August.....he says he likes working from his satellite office....I tend to agree.....George

Friday Night Sunset

About 5 minutes after the sun has set there appeared to be a pink glow over the water and in the sky.
Friday had another great sunset...hard to mess these up...George

The boat in this photo takes out guest for a sunset charters. They picked a great night to be out.

Last week at the lake

Off to the beach
Kyle and the grandkids spent two days on their boat last week. The kids got in some swimming, rock throwing, wave spashing and BBQ sausages...a nice couple of days although it was too choppy to get out in the boat with the gang...George

Owen seems to like throwing the bigger rocks while Grace just likes catching the waves as they roll in.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Red & White

When the last time you have been in a Red&White food store?
I traveled up to Southampton, Ont. two weeks ago to pick up a cover for my PT Cruiser. Kijiji. I took a walk down the main street which has many interesting shops including a vintage Red &White store. When is the last time you saw one of these signs. An employee mentioned that once the Red & White signs wear out they are not able to use the logos ever again...they have home made butter tarts if your in town...George

At the cash register the belt is was installed in 1941 and it still works.
Main Street Southampton, Ont.

Great Lake Lighthouses

The two lighthouses found in sight of each other in Southampton, Ont. are lined up for a group shot. The one off in the distance is actually on an island and can be visited by boat tour.
On my trip up to Southampton I stopped in to two of the area lighthouses. I had visited these sites before but always worth another look...George

A look at the Kincardine lighthouse from the main street's Dairy Queen. Guess what I had.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Saturday Evening Sunset

Another great weekend sunset.
Here are a few images from Saturday night on the hill at Bayfield. There sure was a lot of boat out on a calm evening to watch the sunset....George

A Bayfield 40 out for the evening.

There was a group of 6 talking and enjoying the sunset. The two couple that joined us spent some time talking about next winters trip to the BVI. This is about the last of the sun as it went in behind some heavy clouds.

The sun has already set but everyone still hung around.

Monday 13 July 2015

T Bird Car Show - Bayfield

I was surprised how many 1956 models are found at the show.
Bayfield once again hosted the Thunderbird annual car show. This year 77 cars attended with the oldest being 1956 and the newest 2004. The original run of T Bird's was from 1955- 1997...George

There are many of the reincarnated versions which appears for a short while from 2002- 2005.

This interior is mint.

A 1956 model.

The speedometer can be seen through the windshield as it is transparent.

Great looking wheels on this model.

Over half the T-Birds present are convertibles. This one although it looks like a huge trunk could only accommodate one suitcase. The spare tire and the top are stored inside.

The trim from a 1960's version.

Bayfield Boat Parade

One of about 8 or 9 boat that participated in the Wind and Water boat parade. The weather was great for this event to actually happen.
This weekend Bayfield held it's first Wind and Water Festival. One of the events was the Friday evening boat parade held off the pier ending down the river. Once the sun had set I headed out onto the pier to take a few photos of the event...George

Not only was there a parade but one could find additional boats at dock all decked out with lights. My daughters boat Copout is found between two boats under lights.

July 10th Bayfield Sunset

This is the scene maybe 10 minutes after the of the better views of the season.
Once again I sat on the hill looking out at a Lake Huron sunset. On this Friday night there was a nice group of boats out watching the event. Although the sunset is great the aftereffect was just as great...George

A good group of boats gather for a Friday night sunset. I took this photo moments after the sun fell behind the horizon.

Friday 10 July 2015

Grace is now Five

What a nice cake for the birthday girl.
Yesterday the gang gathered to celebrate our granddaughters 5th birthday. It was nice to get together with Grace's other grandparent here from California and Kyles brother and sister who we had not seen in a few years. A great day had by all and a nice time swimming for the water babies...George

A good portion of the gang has gathered already for the birthday-pool party.

When you have such a large gang to feed pizza works out well.
A few views of the water babies out for a swim.

Grace showing off her new outfit.

Monday 6 July 2015

Vette Fest 2015 - Bayfield

Over 300 Corvettes attended this years event.
 Bayfied 2015 Vettefest
On Saturday Susanne, Jessica,  Declan and I met up with my sister Kathy at Bayfield to attend this years Vette Fest in the square (park). This year they broke the record for the amount of Corvettes attending, 300 plus. The oldest one I saw was 1957 and the newest is just delivered. He already put on 5,000 km in less than a month. One a 1958 model in mint condition has been owned by the same gentleman for 40 years. He was from St. Thomas and actually trailers his car around and stores it in there also to keep the critters away from it. A nice afternoon in the the way although I can't afford the Corvette's offered for sale this year, I did scrounge enough together for a Vettefest tee-shirt...not sure how that will look in my PT convertible...George

Susanne and I pose next to a 1962 model. We talked to the owner who has had the car for two years now. I asked him were he found this car in mint condition. Everything looks like new. He said his boss found it for him in the US and gave it to him for a retirement present two years ago. He mentioned he always wanted a 1962 model and that he had made his boss a lot of money over the years.

My sister poses with me next to a 1957 model Vette.

Declan having a rest on this trailer towed by a red Vette.

Noted this sign...oh well.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Happy 4th of July

July 4th holiday and white stripes on the blue water.

Thursday 2 July 2015

July 1 2015

Grandson Owen with his new tatoo...Susanne got the same did Grace and William.
Happy Canada Day
We had most of the gang up to the lake for Canada Day....many in red and white gear. Although the sky was misty most of the day the sun did come out late afternoon for our dinner and a walk on the beach...a great day with family and friends...George

William and Michelle heading back to the boat.
Grace on the beach.
Goderich's best...donuts with a festive twist.
James and Kim drove up to join us for a pulled pork dinner and donuts...James can't resist these treats.

Sunday Sunset

A view through the chairs on the hill.
After two days of heavy rain the sun finally came out near sunset time...and what a great view in Bayfield...unfortunately it began raining once again about 1am....hmm....George

Unfortunately the pads are more like sponges after all that rain.
A view from the hill at Bayfield.
Almost gone but a great sight to see.