Sunday 10 August 2014

Just back

Here is Brad as we head out for a dingy ride to the next anchorage (Thomas Bay) to check things out. That is Wavelength, Brad's CS 36 in the background.
Guess you have not seen a post here in awhile...our summer has been hectic with little time to get posts ready. Actually I have only had my boat out twice this season to date and maybe have stayed over 3-4 times in the month of July. I just got home from helping a friend moving his sailboat from Killarney, Ont. back to Bayfield. I really needed that break...we have just finished pulled out all the carpet from our house...painted all the baseboards and rooms upstairs. I then got one of those unexpected calls..."need some help moving boat, wife must head home for family issues right away" off I went in Brads car from Goderich on a six hour drive to get to the north country (through Muskoka) at the start of a long weekend. Seven days later I am back home. Oh did I mention the day Brad called, the carpet showed up and installation was the wrong now we wait till the re-order happens...all our furniture is piled up in two rooms...we are sleeping on the mattress on the floor like two college students...I feel like we just moved without leaving the house....George

Mutual Affair a Bayfield 40 from our home harbor, Bayfield. We spent a couple of days here in Keyhole about 8 miles from Killarney. This boat has spent time down south and the Florida Keys in the past.
A nice looking Alburg 30 is anchored next to us for the time we are in Keyhole. The couple are from Parry Sound and have owned the boat for decades.

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