Tuesday 3 September 2013

Sunday Visit

Future son in law Devin at the wheel and his brother Phil.
On Sunday of the long weekend my friend James came up to the lake with his daughter Sarah. My daughter Michelle and Devin, his brother Phil and his wife Jessica returned from a night at a cottage near Goderich. The dock lines came off and I took them all for a tour of the river followed by a nice sail north up the coast in a nice breeze. I only handled the boat in and out of the harbour, letting Devin, Phil and James all helm the boat (a turn at the wheel). By mid afternoon it started to look dark and heading our way. The winds were getting light also. At the docks the guys finished off the last of the Tequila bottle with a few rounds of shots along with some other treats. The pain killer's became the next round. I think there was some beers emptied along the way. The Pusser's bottle became empty along with the coconut rum bottle at some point. I believe James finish off the Sailor Jerry spiced rum...A-r-r-r seemed to be his answer to everything by then. Devin stayed over that night. Once everyone left (glad the girls stayed sober so someone could drive) the two of us did have a few more pain killers with supper, but that required dipping into my other rum stock for that. The night finished off with a fire on the beach...George

James and his daughter Sarah.
James and I...I am keeping a good eye on his boat handling...his first time at the wheel.
The newly weds Phil and Jessica.
Shots with what is left of the Tequila.
My daughter Michelle and Lexi out on the lake. This was Lexi`s first time out and did really well.

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