Monday 31 August 2015

Cold week at the Lake

As you can tell all are bundled up with rain and wind on the horizon.
Last week was a cool one at the lake...the grand kids came up for an overnight-er...this week the weather is making up for it...George

I played around with our old blackberry and came up with this scrapbook photo.

Weekend Sunset

An overcast Friday evening took away much of a chance for a good sunset. A few sailboats did venture out for a float on a calm evening.
Not much to tell you about this weekend other than the sun did not come out till I got home Sunday...George

Goderich Waterfront Inuksuk

Built along the shoreline I doubt they will survive the winter storms. Guess we won`t get a chance to find out, the town has ordered them removed for safety reasons...some are as large as we are.
I took a ride down to the beach at Goderich on Saturday after visiting the farmers market and to my surprise it seems the locals have been busy building Inuksuk...George

There are 100`s of Inuksuk built along the shoreline.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Saturday Night Sunset

Danielle and the grand-kids stayed at their boat on the weekend. For them this was the first sunset they saw. With the sun setting a bit after 8pm it is closer to bedtime then when it was well after 9pm. It also seemed many of the trips to the lake became overcast evenings with no sun at all.
On Saturday we had a really nice sunset at Bayfield and it also was our grand-kids first. It was hard to explain what was happening to them...anyhow another great weekend at the lake. I was surprised how many people where up at their boats. The parking lots where full with overflow along the sides and on the grass. I counted one motor home and 8 tents as extra accommodations over the weekend...George

One of the better sunsets of the year for the kids to watch.
The gang got a ride up to the washrooms after sunset by a nice couple that came down from their home up on the hill. We talked for a bit and found out they have 4 children and 10 grand-kids. They are taking off this fall for BC in their motor home then down to California for the winter.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Grandkids at the Beach

The gang together for a mid week visit to the lake.
The gang spent a night on their boat last week...we caught up with them on the second day for time at the beach and pizza before heading home...unfortunately it was to rough out on the lake for a sail...George

Something interesting for Grace to ride on the beach.

A heart shaped looking rock on the beach.

Aug 9 Sunset

Another great evening...more dramatic with the clouds in play.

1957 Chev Pickup

Most is original although the tires and rims update this machine.
While walking the main street in Bayfield on Monday I came across this interesting looking old pickup truck out front of the Pumphouse Restaurant. As I was looking over the truck the owner came out...a waiter at the restaurant. He mentioned purchasing it in the US all done up with a few custom features including a digital dash...if you have $40,000 he might let it go...wonder what a new 1957 pickup went for back then...George

A little custom work has been done to the tailgate.

Monday 3 August 2015

Off to the North Channel

A 40' sailboat departs Bayfield for the North Channel adventure.
One of the boats off my dock got away to the North Channel on Saturday just as the sun set. Sunday brought with it terrible storms north of Bayfield with an inland tornado touching down later in the day. Winds recorded in Grand Bend was 110 km per hour while Tobermory had just over 100 km winds. I am hoping our dock friends are tucked away somewhere before that point...George

Brain, Colleen and family head out as the sunsets at Bayfield on Saturday evening.

Bayfield Pier takes on a different look

If you dare...
This long weekend the Bayfield north pier became home to a bike ramp. Not one that I would want to try but the locals appear to enjoy it. Oh the bike required a life jacket also if it was to be recovered from the lake...George

Grandkids up for the Long Weekend

Grace poses for me as Owen goes for more stones out on Bayfield pier this Civic holiday weekend.
Copout was a busy boat for a couple of days with the grandkids aboard. A trip to the pool and stone throwing on the beach helped tire them out a little...George

Aboard Trekker for refreshments.

Friday Night Sunset

Brad checks the radar to see what else is on the horizon.
After a nice day out on the lake the rain came in and seemed to hang around all evening...starting then stopping numerous times before it cleared before the started once again shortly after. Brad had his phone out checking Exeter radar to see what we were in for...George

As the sun was setting we could see what the evening had in store for us even without a radar forecast.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Year Three Begins

Summer time flowers are found along Bayfield's lakefront basin during July this year.
August 1st marks the beginning for year three of Mile Marker 49 blogging. At times the posts have been thin while during the summer month while at the lake I find more motivation to continue on. Hope you follow along as we are now half way through the summer with a lot more to share...George