Saturday 18 October 2014

Back from New England

Taftsville, Vermont covered bridge near Woodstock, Vt.
This past week Susanne and I spent a few days wandering around Vermont and Massachusetts. We took in Yankee Candle in Deerfield Mass., a drive down the Mohawk trail through the Berkshire mountains of upper Mass. and through the middle of Vermont from White River Junction to Rutland. The weather was had was a real mix of rain, sun and lots of overcast each day, but the colours still showed well. The best in years the local weatherman stated. Spending time in Vermont seems to return one to simpler times. You don't see the hurry one does in other locations....George

Old Deerfield Mass. village a town that is well over 300 years old.
A look from above North Adams, Mass. on the Mohawk trail.
Wood carver on Route 7 New York.
Susanne takes a walk through the covered bridge at the Vermont General Store, Vermont
Have you ever stopped by the local garage on main street were they actually works on buggies instead of cars.....well go to Bellows Falls, Vermont then.

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