Sunday 27 April 2014

Productive Weekend at the Lake

I spent Saturday and Sunday working on my boat. Finally got the cover off on Saturday...but first I stopped by to say hello to the gang at the GBYC who were in the process of launch day. It was a cold windy day. Sunday was a great day and I got a lot done.....washing the boat, bottom painted, batteries connected and charged and about a third of the boat even got waxed. Hope to finish off the rest tomorrow.....then I will wait till launch. It appears there is lots of water this year in Bayfield with no dredging needed......with 6 days of rain forecasting beginning tomorrow night I hope to launch sometime around the 5th.....or in about a week.....that gives me time to get Susanne's projects done at home.....George Dutka

As one can see at about 10am half the fleet is already in. John and Mikes boat is in with the mast up. Normally they are the last boat to be worked on.....this year they are happy to report that they are first.
Although it is spring the beach at Bayfield is still littered with ice chips this weekend.  I think it maybe awhile before I am out sailing.

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