Tuesday 15 September 2015

Harbour Lights Marina - Fall Party

Saturday was a cool and windy day as one can make out from our grand-kids.
On Saturday evening the marina I keep my boat in had their annual fall party. It was a cool and windy day and evening. A good size crowd attended the party to down some of that free beer and wine. We had a good size gang stay over on my kids and our boat...I had 8 over for eggs, sausage and coffee the next morning...George

The gang getting ready to head out for the party.

Arrrr....as far as we were concerned this fruity pirate ship was the best pot luck dish this year. Dee's boat neighbors can be credited for this great display of fruit.

There was more than enough food for all of us...I won't show you my dessert plate...it was bigger than my dinner plate.

Guess who the pirate is...seems the pirate's ship might have to sail without a flag later in the evening.

The entertainment was great and our grand-kids did their best at keeping warm with a lot of dancing.

As we head back to the boat we saw the last of an interesting sunset out the harbour entrance.

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