Tuesday 29 September 2015

VW Show - Bayfield

A good turnout for the first gathering of bugs.
This Sunday was the first time VW's gathered in the greens at Bayfield. Being the last weekend of September it was a nice sunny warm day...great time to check out the bugs and vans....George

A look inside a well restored VW van.

Many of the vans are completely restored but a few are awaiting restoration.
There was a good selection of VW bugs from different eras.

A look inside.

A cool way to display license plates.

Last Sunday of Season Sunset

On Sunday Susanne and I stayed up for the last time over the weekend. Although the Bayfield sunset was a bust there was a bit of afterglow in the clouds....through the middle of the night we got rain which did not let up till we left in the morning......George

Fall Haul-out

On Saturday we got Copout hauled about 10 days early as the yard crew had a lot of openings...seems everyone wants to wait a bit with the nice weather...George

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Sunday Sunset

The sun and sky as it looked before it fell below water level.
We had one of the better sunsets of the year on Sunday...even as we boarded our boats it was a sight to see...George

The sun at water level.

The sky starts to light up with various levels of red and orange.
At our boat 5 minutes after the sunset the colours can be seen in the basin.
I don't recall seeing a view like this one through our hatch 5-10 minutes after the sun had set.

Sunday at the Lake

Out and about in the dingy.
Sunday turned out to be a great day at the lake...took the grandkids out for a dingy paddle and then out for probably the last sail of the season...the main sail came off Monday morning while the gang spent the morning on the beach...could not believe how nice it was sitting on the beach Sept 21st. Sunday evening we saw what turned out to be one of better sunsets of the season. It started out as a typical sunset but the sky lit up with a lot of colour when the sun fell below the water level. It also was the last sleep over of the season for Dee and the kids...we are up again next weekend as our hardwood floors are being done...George

A Sunday sail...last of season.

Sunday's sunset turned out to be maybe the best of the season....and a nice pleasant fall evening
Goofing off.

Nancy and Dee...think Nancy is a bit overdressed for the evening.

Saturday 19 September 2015

Port Credit Boat Show - 2015

I had never been aboard a Bristol before and this one did not disappoint me.
The Pt. Credit boat show has moved from the end of August to mid Sept. I made the trip this year actually to stop in at Genco Marine to see about getting some work done on my dodger. There also are two other canvas locations in Pt. Credit and at the show I check out...thinking I will give Genco my business...they made my Tanzer sails years ago and did a great job.

Anyhow I did get to the boat show just as the door opened...gives one a better chance on deals at the bargain tent out front of the Mason's store which has changed hands (now Fogh Marine). Although there was fewer sailboats in the water at this years show than in past years (the end of the dock was blocked off which once was part of the show) there was a few builders and models I have never been aboard. The mix of new and used gives one a variety of interesting finds...all you need is the cash...George

This Perry 41 also was something I had not seen before...a great looking boat but way to much wood for me on the exterior.

The teak deck showed signs of past leaks inside...I also found it awkward to board.

I am not a great fan of Catalina's but this one was a really interesting boat to board. The interior was laid out very nice. This boat was very well kept inside and out...if I was looking for a bigger boat and had an extra $144,000 I might look at it again....38ft....2001. The owners are older and looking at getting into a smaller power boat (maybe trawler?).

Guess if you don't have davit's you can just store your inflated dingy in the aft locker.

Friday 18 September 2015

Wednesday's Sunset

One can't ask for more that that...I was out on the patio at my son's home in London on Thursday evening looking up at the sky...sunsets in town just don't do it for me.
The season is winding down but Susanne and I are trying to get in as many trips to the lake as we can, even though we are knee's deep into a kitchen renovation. Wednesday evening's sunset was a keeper...George Dutka

One of only a few boat around to take in a windless mid-week sunset.

The last of the sun with a faint ripple on the lake.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

September Sunday Sunset

A typical evening sunset during the fall months.
Sunday the wind died a bit but the waves held their own through the night into Monday morning. The sunsets are now sooner and more interesting than through the summer months...George
Looking out over a wet pier on Sunday night.
By late Sunday afternoon most of the weekender`s had left and the geese moved back in. In our basin there was only three boats with overnight-res left aboard and all where on the floating docks.

Harbour Lights Marina - Fall Party

Saturday was a cool and windy day as one can make out from our grand-kids.
On Saturday evening the marina I keep my boat in had their annual fall party. It was a cool and windy day and evening. A good size crowd attended the party to down some of that free beer and wine. We had a good size gang stay over on my kids and our boat...I had 8 over for eggs, sausage and coffee the next morning...George

The gang getting ready to head out for the party.

Arrrr....as far as we were concerned this fruity pirate ship was the best pot luck dish this year. Dee's boat neighbors can be credited for this great display of fruit.

There was more than enough food for all of us...I won't show you my dessert plate...it was bigger than my dinner plate.

Guess who the pirate is...seems the pirate's ship might have to sail without a flag later in the evening.

The entertainment was great and our grand-kids did their best at keeping warm with a lot of dancing.

As we head back to the boat we saw the last of an interesting sunset out the harbour entrance.

Washed ashore - Grand Bend

By the looks of things the wind and waves have subsided by the time this photo was taken of a sailboat on the wrong side of the pier and river entrance. I believe he was trying to leave the entrance when he got stuck on a sandbar then washed ashore just south of the pier.
Susanne noted that the Grand Bend Yacht Club posted some photos of a boat washing up on the south beach over the weekend at Grand Bend. There was some extremely high winds from the north over the weekend. We kept our boat there for years and know that with the conditions of a strong north wind it is best to stay put and not venture out between the pier. The sailing out on the lake is OK, it is the getting in and out with sand banks building at the entrance to the river and the narrow width between the pier. This must be a new member to the club as I don't recognize the boat that tried to venture out over the weekend but did not make it.....George

Don't think he needs the anchor out anymore. He is luck he washed up on the beach and not against the pier. I have seen the damage on boats that have bounced off it over the years.

Monday 7 September 2015

Lions Head Ship Wreck Map

I scanned my simple map of two ship wrecks that we found years ago in Lions Head basin.
A number of years ago while visiting Lions Head with the kids we spent an afternoon on the motels paddle boats and canoes. We discovered two old wooden ship wrecks in the basin. They actually are not hard to find in the clear cold water of Georgian Bay. I made up a simple map for future trips that I keep in the car...we have yet to make it back...now it might be for the grand kids to discover someday.....George

Last Month's Sunset

I still had one photo of a sunset to post from last month that I had forgot about...George