Saturday 8 March 2014

Future of Copout

Copout out for the GBYC 2012 sail-past during the May 24 weekend.
Our daughter and son-in-law had their Tanzer 26' sailboat for sale last year. Well I think I found them a buyer. New to sailing, this gentleman was looking for a Tanzer. He was extremely interested when I mentioned I would help him get it rigged in the spring and take him out till he felt OK on his own. To my surprise Kyle and Dee told me they decided to keep the boat and launch it in once again in Bayfield......but not till the 2015 season as they still feel the kids are a bit to small. This was a nice surprise for Susanne and I but not so good for the buyer I had lined up. Really looking forward to see the gang at the lake once again......George Dutka

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