Wednesday 19 March 2014

Buffalo Masters Basketball Tournament

The London Huff n Puff gang after the final game.
Last weekend I was part of the London Huff n Puff  basketball team participating in the Buffalo tournament. We fell in the over 60 age group playing against some really good ball players......some are former college players. I was surprised how fit most of the player actually are. I did some huffing and puffing chasing many players 5-10 years my senior. Teams came from Chicago, Toronto, Ohio, Florida and Indianapolis to name a few. Our team had 14 players. All but three of us are over 65 including a few pushing is looking like we may fly this fall to St. George, Utah for another tournament......two hours north of Las Vegas....but the Detroit tournament is first this summer......forgot to mention a small part of our current basketball team participated and represented Canada winning the bronze medal in the Men's Masters (Olympics for the over 50 crowd) in Australia a decade ago...George

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