Monday 24 March 2014

Keys Sandbar

Hanging out on a sandbar in the Florida Keys.
Brad sent me a photo of him hanging out on a sandbar about a mile and on half off shore on the ocean side of the Florida Keys. He is down there for two months. Anyhow to there surprise a boat showed up with a Limo body mounted on it. Jill took a photo of it with her phone....George

It appears one can take a Limo out to the sandbar off the Florida Keys.

Cruising Outpost Drink List

If one checks out the Cruising Outpost Website one can find a nice list of beach drinks. The one that caught my attention was the Mexican Surfer...don't think I could down may of those...but I might try....George

Mexican Surfer
2 oz Malibu® coconut rum
2 oz tequila
pineapple juice
Pour the Malibu rum into an old-fashioned glass, and add tequila and pineapple juice. Add ice and stir.

Peru by Sailboat

My son-in-law called the other day...he had someone drive by and stop to ask about his boat while he was cleaning up outside. Seems he saw it when the for sale sign was on. He told Kyle he was about to retire and was looking for a sailboat. He thought the size was about right for him. Kyle told him he was not selling the boat now but he could take a look. During the conversation Kyle asked what lake he was going to sail on...he said he was not planning on sailing here...he was going to launch the boat then head to Peru with it to live...he might get a big surprise if he thinks that can happen on a 26' boat....if he does not his wife will....George

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Summer Memories

I took this photo from the Grand Bend south pier a few years back at sunset. Can not wait till I see this type of scene once again.
With Spring here now I am looking forward to what this summer offers....hopefully a lot less rain than last summer.....George Dutka

Buffalo Masters Basketball Tournament

The London Huff n Puff gang after the final game.
Last weekend I was part of the London Huff n Puff  basketball team participating in the Buffalo tournament. We fell in the over 60 age group playing against some really good ball players......some are former college players. I was surprised how fit most of the player actually are. I did some huffing and puffing chasing many players 5-10 years my senior. Teams came from Chicago, Toronto, Ohio, Florida and Indianapolis to name a few. Our team had 14 players. All but three of us are over 65 including a few pushing is looking like we may fly this fall to St. George, Utah for another tournament......two hours north of Las Vegas....but the Detroit tournament is first this summer......forgot to mention a small part of our current basketball team participated and represented Canada winning the bronze medal in the Men's Masters (Olympics for the over 50 crowd) in Australia a decade ago...George

Sunday 9 March 2014

Florida Keys - Marathon Seafood Festival

Susanne and I pose as Brad takes a photo of us at the entrance to the Marathon Seafood Festival.
Down in the Keys
A year ago today Susanne and I visited with Brad and Jill down in the Florida Keys. Our visit to the Keys was planned so we could attend the annual seafood festival held in Marathon......Mile Marker 49! Next to all the seafood offered at a line of booths was some cheap beer that one needed to wait in line for sometime to get. There was a non stop music program that made waiting worth it. One also found many crafter's booths worth checking out. The girls came away with some memorable souvenirs.....George Dutka

Here one sees the line of food booths. To my surprise the Konchwurst is one of the highlights for attendants. I guess a second visit will be in order for a taste.
One of the booths had some interesting fish made from palm leaves. They also had some cool fish crafted from coconuts.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Future of Copout

Copout out for the GBYC 2012 sail-past during the May 24 weekend.
Our daughter and son-in-law had their Tanzer 26' sailboat for sale last year. Well I think I found them a buyer. New to sailing, this gentleman was looking for a Tanzer. He was extremely interested when I mentioned I would help him get it rigged in the spring and take him out till he felt OK on his own. To my surprise Kyle and Dee told me they decided to keep the boat and launch it in once again in Bayfield......but not till the 2015 season as they still feel the kids are a bit to small. This was a nice surprise for Susanne and I but not so good for the buyer I had lined up. Really looking forward to see the gang at the lake once again......George Dutka

Smart Phone Photography

How times have the February 2014 issue of Sail magazine they included a feature covering 6 tips one can use to get better on the water photos using a smart phone. It appears we are moving away from the camera these days. Two of the tips I did find noteworthy. One use your RayBan sunglasses to shoot through to get a polarized effect out on the water. The other is to print your best and precious images on good quality paper as it appears no one is sure yet if files will be readable and usable into the distant future......paper will......George Dutka