Saturday 19 November 2016

At the Beach mid November

It's Nov. 19th I am still in Lake Huron for a walk along the beach...maybe the boat should go in.
Yesterday we went up to the lake to recover Copout as the wind had taken part of the cover off. It was also Christmas in Bayfield. The day was around 70 degrees with may people in shorts. After re-covering the boat Susanne and I went for a walk on the beach. To our surprise the stony beach now is covered in sand. While walking the shore I decided to walk in the water for a bit. To my surprise it felt the same as when I pulled my boat out over a month ago....I am thinking we will be having lake effect snow for a good portion of this winter...George

Mostly all sand on Friday...this was mostly grainy small stone.

The beach is really sandy at the moment...will it last...or go back to mostly stone.

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