Friday 30 December 2016

Christmas Cheers

Christmas Eve party at Michelle and Devin's is their family.
Just a few views of the gang at Christmas time...George

Christmas morning at our son's home.
Ruby in her Christmas best...she did not want to move with her coat on.

Jessica with her two elves.

William with his two Grandma's.

Kyle working on the bird on Christmas Day.

Winter at the Lake

A view of the south pier sent to me by Brad.
A couple of days before Christmas Susanne and I took a ride up to the lake for lunch with our friends Brad and Jill at the Docks. There was a lot of ice on the beach in Bayfield but not that much in Grand Bend. Seems like the big hill by our dock is safe for this season...George

Bayfield hill and lakefront.

The two piers are covered by a huge amount of ice.

Looking north from the main beach Bayfield.
The pier at Bayfield. Not getting out there today.

Grand Bend river.

Do you see the angel in the Grand Bend nav. light.

A busy December

In early December Susanne was busy making Christmas wreaths and boxes for the kids. One on the go in our garage.
Susanne and I had a really busy December with not a lot of time to post on this is an update...George

One box loaded and ready for delivery to our daughter.
Ours on our front porch bench.
Wine and cheese party at our home in early December.
A train ride to Toronto for the Christmas market at the distillery district and a visit to the St. Lawrence market.
Owen at this years Christmas concert.
On December 5th our 8th grandchild arrived, Rowan.

Saturday 19 November 2016

90th Birthday

Glad there are not 90 candles to light.
Yesterday also marked my father-in-law's 90th birthday. The gang gathered for cake and wishes...George

The gang all together.
The young and well the older maybe.

At the Beach mid November

It's Nov. 19th I am still in Lake Huron for a walk along the beach...maybe the boat should go in.
Yesterday we went up to the lake to recover Copout as the wind had taken part of the cover off. It was also Christmas in Bayfield. The day was around 70 degrees with may people in shorts. After re-covering the boat Susanne and I went for a walk on the beach. To our surprise the stony beach now is covered in sand. While walking the shore I decided to walk in the water for a bit. To my surprise it felt the same as when I pulled my boat out over a month ago....I am thinking we will be having lake effect snow for a good portion of this winter...George

Mostly all sand on Friday...this was mostly grainy small stone.

The beach is really sandy at the moment...will it last...or go back to mostly stone.

A Neat Looking Guest Cottage

We took a drive through our are in Bayfield checking out a few of the cottages. This guest cottage is a neat looking structure overlooking Lake Huron...wonder how it will look once fixed the main cottage is now in excellent condition...George

Sunday 30 October 2016

Kingston's 4th Birthday

Try to blow that one out.
Today the eve of Halloween we celebrate our grandson Kingston's birthday....the whole gang gathered for the occasion...George

Our girls.
William all decked out.

If those teeth still look like that after Halloween Grace might have to go to the dentist.

Owen with the same Halloween problem.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Traffic Jam at Woodstock

If you think you have traffic problems check this out. There were 100,000 people trying to leave the 1960's Woodstock festival at the same time on a two lane road.

Vegas the town of Chapel's

Drive up chapel on the main drag Vegas.

This was a cool looking entrance to a chapel.
Weddings on the way.

Our Stay at the Stratoshere Vegas

In Vegas we stayed at the Stratosphere which had a cool tower.

Looking up at the tower.
The main entrance.

Susanne's 60th Birthday party was up top of the tower.

Dinner at McMullan's Irish Pub - Vegas

Happy hour and half price entries was in order our first night in Vegas. This potato nacho's was more than the four of us could eat considering we had wings, fish and more.
A neat pub across the street from the Orleans casino.

We are working on the Nacho's.

Friday 14 October 2016

Beach Shower

Kind of a neat looking beach shower...George

At the Lake

The lake basin last Friday has a good amount of boats now out. Some are waiting till the bitter end so they don't get buried in the back of the crowd...leading to a delayed spring launch.
Was up at the lake prior to Thanksgiving for a insurance boat survey. Most of the work is now done on the boat and boy what a warm day last Friday was...just like summer...took a walk on the beach in shorts with my feet in the water. That might be the end of that though...George

Early in the season some of the boater stuck a tree branch into the ground. Wooden steps were added and as the summer has progressed plywood palm leaves were added one by one...kind of neat...wonder if it will survive the winter storms.

On the beach in Bayfield.

Engagement Party

The gang gathers at our Nicole's engagement party.
Last Saturday Nicole and Nathan held their engagement party at Nathan's dad's home. Some of our family was tied up with Thanksgiving commitments but Nathan family, about 50 aunts, uncles, cousins and friend came out on a sunny cool afternoon...George

Grace goofing off.