Monday 22 June 2015

Another PT

Our new summer toy.
Today Susanne, Michelle and I headed to Sarina to pick up our new summer toy, a PT Cruiser convertible. It is a 2005 PT Turbo version (they only made them for a couple of years) with 88,000 miles...will make for a fun summer. No rust (summer driven only) with leather interior. Now to finish cleaning out the garage so both of our PT's will fit in...George

Wednesday Sunset

Last Wednesday the sunset looked like a bust at first.
Last Wednesday I headed up the hill from our basin to watch another great looking Lake Huron Sunset. I had my pocket camera to record the view. Dave from across the way (and another railroader, CPR) came up and joined me. At first the sky was very overcast but the sun broke through making some interesting colours in the sky. I took a few shots with my camera while Dave took a few with his Samsung smart phone. To my surprise his phone was taking better looking photos than my camera was when we compared our views. Dave showed me some of his Florida photos and others from out on the lake. I was very impressed with the photos. I guess I know why I don't see many people using cameras these days. I think the day of the small pocket style camera is almost over...that might be why Black's Photography chain is shutting down.

As usual the sun did peek through and gave us a good show.

WienerFest 2015

First place in the costume contest.
 Embro goes to the dogs...
On Saturday Susanne and I attended WienerFest in Embro, Ont. As usual one could find all sorts of long, short legged mutts. Here are a few photos from the event...George

It seems anydog could enter the Wiener costume contest. This wanna-be wiener dog which is similar to our daughter's dog (Bruno) placed 3rd in the Wienerfest contest...what is the world coming to.
All the licks one could handle for a buck.

Friday 19 June 2015

Scenes from Greenfield Village

At Greenfield Village one can take a ride in a Model T around the park. This is the boarding location near the main entrance to the park.
Here are a few views from my trip to Greenfield in Dearborn, Mich. It was an overcast day with the lingering threat of rain...but the photos did turn out well...George

The horse drawn wagons make a stop for drinks.
In heritage gear.
A group of three Ford trucks. The one on the right was used by the army many years ago.
A 1931 Ford bus one could ride in for 50 cents.
Looking through the hole in the wall of the original Ford Motor Co. factory. The original car built there turned out to be too big to fit through the door. So a bigger hole was made to get it out. It was a geared vehicle which did not have brakes.

Old Time Ball Game - Greenfield Village, Dearborn Mich.

Vintage team uniforms are used to set the era of the game. They also use the old rule book.
Last weekend I participated in a Masters basketball tournament in Southfield Mich. With only one game scheduled on Saturday a group of us headed over to see Greenfield Village a short drive away. Being a Saturday the weekly baseball game was underway. In the early era they do not use gloves...George

As the steam powered train passes the ball game stops while the players wave to the passengers...kind of neat to see.
A good size group of visitors attended the afternoon ball game.

Monday 8 June 2015

Bayfield Sunset

A view from the hill at the Harbour Lights basin.
On Saturday I finally got a few good sunset photos. I had been up for a couple of nights already but did not see much sun. Enjoy the view...George

From the walkway to the beach.
Sign of the times...seems everyone has a lot to say even when they are not around.

I can't believe what I am seeing!

Had to get this never know what you will see.
I am heading down Hwy 21 in Goderich when I came across this slow moving 3 wheeled motorized bike with a large dog the same as our daughters (Bruno) STANDING still in the back storage box. He seemed to like it. Luck I carry my pocket camera on my seat...just shot it through the window...George

I am wondering if Bruno would do this...Not.

Bayfield Nautical Yard Sale

My friend Brad was one of the two vendors. The other guys got lucky I purchased the oversized fender for Copout. I was told my purchase  brought sales up to a high, 50% of the people attending purchased something.
This years nautical flea market held on the tennis court  Saturday was a bust. Only two vendors with not many boaters stopping by. I guess this was because Bayfield had a town wide yard sale and one could find many boating items for sale and in one case giving away. A good amount of yard sale vendors are boater. Near the town center someone was even giving away an 8' dingy which appeared to have a leak as it was only part full of air....George

Thursday 4 June 2015

Tuesday at Grand Bend

Not sure how or were this cat will be the next time I visit the Bend.
I was surprised to see this cat on the hard near the GBYC on a short visit to the Bend. Not sure how it will go in or were it will be kept. There are not any slips big enough and if it was on the wall it would block the river passages...George

Selfie Stick

Jess was over last week with her new stick which she used to get a group photo with her phone...what will be next...George