Monday 10 November 2014

The Past Weekend

We meet up with our load of reindeer's at Mohawk Raceway parking lot just off the 401.
This past weekend we did a couple of road trips. Friday we made a trip to Grand Bend and Bayfield for their Christmas kick-off. It was a windy and snowy day there. I could not believe how high the water level was in the Bend. If the water rises much more the pier will be underwater. In the river the docks one need ladders to board boats are not needed at the moment. At Bayfield I had to check out our basin. The docks along the wall had been raised about a foot or so in September. They currently are all in the water or under it. The crew was in the process of raising them once again. Have not seen the water this high in decades. And by the way there is a sailboat still in the water at our basin.

On Sunday Susanne and I drove to Milton to pick up a trunk load of reindeer's for our family. I had only room for 6 in the car. We found a guy that make these nice looking log reindeer's. He had our order done and a parking lot meet near the 401 was arranged. Now to deliver them all to the kids......George

Hard to believe we fit 6 reindeer's in our PT cruiser. One is out and being delivered at this time.
Susanne got her mom a smaller version of the others we have.

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