Tuesday 25 November 2014

Display one's Driftwood

Driftwood on display.
Over the last couple of years Susanne and I have collected a good amount of interesting small pieces of driftwood along the beach in Bayfield. What to do with it.....well just display it in a glass cylinder or vase.....George


Got to love your Dunkin' Donuts....George

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Meet Boyan Slat

I always wondered about the mess our generation is leaving behind on this planet and if future generations will be able to stop and change our mistakes. Well it looks like they just might.

 19 year old Boyan Slat a high school student from Delft, Holland for his final thesis spent six months figuring out how to rid the ocean of its plastic pollution. The aspiring engineer has figured it out and with 1,500 e-mail a day of support and funds collected in the first month of $1.46 million...that is a good start. Boyan figured why move through the ocean when the ocean can move through you. Slat`s ocean cleanup system of floating arms harnesses the seas natural current, guiding  plastic trash to a solar sorting platform.....it actually does work. Read more at theoceancleanup.com.....George

Monday 10 November 2014

The Past Weekend

We meet up with our load of reindeer's at Mohawk Raceway parking lot just off the 401.
This past weekend we did a couple of road trips. Friday we made a trip to Grand Bend and Bayfield for their Christmas kick-off. It was a windy and snowy day there. I could not believe how high the water level was in the Bend. If the water rises much more the pier will be underwater. In the river the docks one need ladders to board boats are not needed at the moment. At Bayfield I had to check out our basin. The docks along the wall had been raised about a foot or so in September. They currently are all in the water or under it. The crew was in the process of raising them once again. Have not seen the water this high in decades. And by the way there is a sailboat still in the water at our basin.

On Sunday Susanne and I drove to Milton to pick up a trunk load of reindeer's for our family. I had only room for 6 in the car. We found a guy that make these nice looking log reindeer's. He had our order done and a parking lot meet near the 401 was arranged. Now to deliver them all to the kids......George

Hard to believe we fit 6 reindeer's in our PT cruiser. One is out and being delivered at this time.
Susanne got her mom a smaller version of the others we have.

Driftwood Tables

A couple of stumps found on the beach now reside in our backyard.
On our back patio Susanne used some similar weathered stumps as seen in a previous post.....as she says WE carried up from Bayfield beach.....and no she did not help....George

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Another use for wood logs

Susanne had me drag of a few small logs from the beach this summer to use as a table on our patio at home...here is a good idea for some better looking ones inside your home....George

Anchors Away

I have seen these anchor hooks in may shops that Susanne and I visit but I never knew what I could use them for....this is a great  idea if you have a beach home...George

Saturday 1 November 2014

Days till Summer...only 231 to go!

Was watching City Line this week  the home designers were discussing how they get ready for the fall-winter season. The common theme was that they change the wine stock from white to red. It was funny that they also were counting how many more days it was till Summer....231 as of today. There is a web site dedicated to this count...gives you hours, minutes and seconds also......George

How many days until Summer?


Grace, Owen and Danielle head out to collect some goodies.
Last night some of our gang showed up to go trick-or-treating in their old neighborhood. It was a night with a bit of drizzle from time to time, but they seemed to stay out long enough to fill a bag.....George

Jessica and Declan follow behind. Jamie, Kingson and Christy showed up a few minutes later and catch up to the gang. Susanne tagged along also while I stayed behind in the dry spot handing out candies.
To our surprise the bus stopped outside our house as the kids headed out....it was Grace and Owen's dad (Kyle) who was on the run through Byron that night. Talk about timing.
Susanne and I had a busy day cutting out pumpkins through the afternoon. Three of them are cheese hole pumpkins....one group of three not seen was done as a snowman.

Kingston's 2nd Birthday

I can't believe the size of the cake Christy baked for Kingston's birthday. There was three trays of cupcakes to go along with this.
With King's birthday the day before Halloween the party was held the Sunday before. A good size gathering at our Son's home for our grandson's second birthday......the photos tell the story.....George

With the birthday so close to Halloween guess what the theme is.
Granddaughter Grace is into the cupcakes early....especially the ones Grandma made.
I'm not sure why there is a pumpkin keg at a 2 year old birthday party, but I do know the longer the beer sits in there the more it tastes like pumpkin.
Our son Jamie was the BBQ king this day.
The main course was Jamies famous Big Mac's.....but if you wanted a hot dog there was plenty. I looked after the deep fryer and the fries.
Even the little guys finished off these huge burgers.
Grandson Owen has a black pickup like his dad's for a moment.
Eric and Susanne chat it up.
Jamie set up his big air filled fun house through the gate in the next doors yard for the kits to play in. Interesting.....having a kids party and send them all to play next door....good idea.