Wednesday 21 May 2014

Long Weekend

Over the weekend a stone and driftwood sign was placed on the beach at the lake basin.
Our long weekend was kind of a quite one. We took in our grand-daughter's soccer game on Saturday and a drive to the lake on Sunday stopping by our son's trailer for a visit. We also hit some of the greenhouses and had a really late lunch at the boat.

On Monday I finally got to work on getting the boat ship shape. The cockpit is now spic and span, and the water system flushed. The fridge is running and the beer is cold. I stayed over for the first time of the season and did get a few chores done on Tuesday before the rain came....a good weekend for this old guy...George

The lake basin is filling up. This is the view on Monday evening of the long weekend.
On Monday on my way up to Bayfield I stopped by the GBYC to see how the weekend racing was going. I spent a few moments chatting with the race committee on the south pier.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Launch Day

Last Thursday there are four boat including mine in the lakefront basin. Yesterday it was about a third full already.
Last Thursday I finally launched my boat after a long cold winter. All is well with no leaks to speak of. I did get back twice since and things are getting accomplished slowly. Yesterday I actually went for a walk on the beach in shorts, a tee shirt and flip flops. It was a nice warm morning. I decided to take off the flops and head into the water. It was actually warmer than I thought.....I think I took almost 10 steps along the shore before I could not feel my feet anymore.....I picked some nice looking beach glass along the way also...cheers to the good weather...George

Last week the main road from the area most of the boats are stored was under construction resulting in no boats from that area being launched. This week they seem to have cancelled the work program so boat could be accessed.

The High Road...Breezy Mount Washington

As a sailors I seem to always note wind activity at the boat and from afar. Well if you travel to New Hampshire and in particular Mount Washington one will surely find wind....and lots of it. There is a sign on the mountain stating "the highest wind ever observed by man was recorded here"....231 miles per hour in 1934....want some of that in your sails. The whole story can be found in the current CAA Magazine (Summer 2014). Seems to be a cool place to visit. The author did the trip up the mountain by motorcycle. He mentioned a few neat named locations along the route such as the Horn, Mother-in-Law's Drop and the Cow Pasture......George