Wednesday 25 August 2021

Mark's Birthday

The floating docks in Bayfield were my boat once was docked.

I took Mark out for a ride in my convertible to Bayfield, Goderich and Grand Bend for a birthday ride. We had a nice day checking out the boats at Bayfield and Goderich...George

Lunch on the river in the Bend.

Mapleton Line Sunflower Field

Mapleton Line sunflower field

Sunflower field off Highbury Ave near St. Thomas. We took Ruby there for her summer photos...George

Thursday 12 August 2021


I have been helping Nanny my mother in law with her puzzles during this summers visits. For 96 she is good at these...George


Susanne made 45 jars of pickled stuff this year...I think she is done with this batch...George

AMC Javelin

My first car was an 1968 AMC Javelin. My friend Brad noted one for sale near his place in Goderich, Ont. for $22,000 a lot more than I paid for mine back in the early 1970's...George

Saturday 7 August 2021

Declan's 8th Birthday

Although Declan's birthday is tomorrow we had a nice party for him at Jessica's today with most of the gang attending...George

100th Birthday Party

Frank Janes sitting in front of three engineman he trained including his son Don. There is over 100 years also in pension payments between the four of them.

My friend Don Janes father who also worked as an engineman on the CN turned 100 on Monday. I took my father in law to the party. He is 95. After seeing what he got (letter from queen, certificate from the mayor and plaque from CN) he has decided he wants to live to see 100 also. It was hard to find a 100th birthday card...George



Spent a lot of time sitting during this project. My back is not it should be.

Over the Civic Weekend I purchased a new Weber BBQ. Boy was that a job to put it together...George

Ruby keeping an eye on the job.
Finally finished

Trip to the Lake

This past week I took a ride to Grand Bend and Bayfield. Mainly to hit the GB farmers market and pick up a salami at Bayfield. I walked the floating docks were my boat once was...most of the boats are new...hard to believe how many boats have left in the past two years. Did a long walk on the beach finding a good amount of beach glass...George