Sunday 10 January 2016

At the Beach - Myrtle Beach, SC

Heading down to the beach near our hotel.
While away this fall we began our run down the ocean side to the Florida Keys at Myrtle Beach, SC. We spent a couple of days here and while it seemed the only other people on the beach were fishing it was nice to walk the shoreline with Ruby...George

On of may access areas to the beach...this one is a boardwalk.

The beach is nice and clean with some really nice sand. In the background, one of many fishing piers found in town.

There are these walkways that motorized life guards vehicles run up and down.

Winter Whites

The kind of winter whites I like...George

Bayfield - Washout

As one can see it is a long way straight down now from the berm that once had a nice angle to it. The area which looks like the beach is the area that the berm angled down into...last summers beach is underwater.
Yesterday Susanne and I took a ride up to Goderich for a craft event at the museum. On the way back we stopped by to check out the boat in Bayfield and down to the docks to see the water levels. To our surprise the entrance was barricaded off with a sign saying due to unstable berm no entrance. Well we walked down to check it out anyway. A good portion of the berm hill between the basin and the lake is gone due to strong wave actions due to storms. A bit was washed away last winter. Not sure what will happen in the spring but the hill we watch sunset on will be a smaller version of what it once was...George

As you can see it is straight down now. By the spring these pick nick tables will be down at the bottom of the hill.

Friday 1 January 2016

Summer's Coming

According to "" there are only 171 days to SUMMER...George

Bridges in the Keys

One of 42...the old railroad bridge is in the distance.
Just finished watching Island Life on HGTV about the Keys...there are 42 bridges in the Keys...George

Key West Visit

There actually was a long line up to get a photo with the I just shot a view of a parrot head gang. Guess who they are in town to see that evening.
In November while in the keys we drove down and spent a part day in Key West. We arrived really early since the weather was extremely hot and humid and we had our dog with us. By 11am it was so crowded in town we could hardly get was the first day of  the Parrot Head Festival and Jimmy Buffet was to play in the square that evening...wish we could have stayed but what do you do with a dog in all that night it dropped to a low of 90 degrees...wish we had some of that heat now...George

One could get a drilled out coconut at various places around town...think he was going to do a good days business with all the heat.

Lots of different ways to get around town.

A lot of small vendors around Key West.

So what do you do with a coconut once you drink all the juice...a lot of these around also.

Over the Holidays

Christmas morning with Jamie, Cristy and Kingston.
Here are a few views of our gang over the festive season...enjoy...George

Owen and Grace on Christmas Eve nosing around.
Jamie had a 5 gallon pail of pickles for the gang on Christmas. Everyone brought a jar and filled them up after supper. Guess who got half this bucket once everyone was done with it...Jessica...she is already half way through it.

As Christmas day ends I get a thumbs up from the grand-kids.

Happy New Years