Tuesday 24 June 2014

Still Standing?

 I pass this sign for years on my way up to the lake.....surprised to see it still standing....George

Sunday 22 June 2014

Wienerfest 2014

 Susanne and I drove out to Embro on Saturday morning to take in a few hours of the annual Wienerfest. Of course I had my camera along and took too many view to include....George

Saturday 21 June 2014

Creamy White Coastal Accents

June Sunset

The sky opened up at the right time to view a nice sunset after a few hours of rain.

Last week up at the lake we had a really interesting sunset following a few hours of rain. The sky began to open up just as the sun began to come down......enjoy......George

Bayfield lake basin ridge.
Shorty after the sunset off the Bayfield north pier.
This is how the sky looked about 20 minutes after sunset.

Monday 9 June 2014

Weekend Sunset

On Friday night one was entertained by a great looking sunset. It would be hard to get a bad photo of this scene.
This past weekend Brad and I decided to get a few sunset shots overlooking the beach. Brad has a newer version of the Canon Rebel that I have. He also has joined the camera club in Goderich so he is keen to work on his photography. On Friday evening we found at first the sky and water looked the same...one could not recognize the horizon making for some interesting photos. Once the sun began to set we had a really nice display of colours....George

Arriving at the beach one could not see the division of the water and sky.....it all blended together. This fisherman is found out enjoying the scene also. If you look really close you can pick out the line were the sky begins.
A short time later a northbound flock of geese added to the scene as they fly by a sailboat. One needed to be  quick to catch this view.

Early Morning Sail

I always carry a pocket camera with me when I go for a walk along the beach. This day when I arrived at the pier I found Carl heading out for an early morning sail. Carl's boat is right across the inlet from mine.
 I normally go for a walk along the beach each morning while up at the boat. Over the weekend I headed down to the beach for  my usual walk and found Carl just off the pier heading out for a sail aboard, I'm A Keeper a center cockpit S-2. Carl's boat is located right across the inlet from mine and we have chatted a lot over the past year....George

Bayfield Foodland

The new store.
 At the beginning of June Bayfield got a new location and a really nicely stocked Foodland. The old store downtown  seemed to me like something out of the 1960's. The LCBO will be opening next door shortly.....George

The last week of sales at the old location.


Last Wednesday Susanne, our daughter Nicole and I went to Woodstock to visit with our friend Larry Brinker and to check out his collection of Hostas. I never knew there are over 100 types of Hostas and Larry had well over that amount. We later went out to visit at a farm just outside of town to purchase a few plants that where prepared  for the weekend sale. There was well over 100 types of Hostas to choose from...Larry mentioned the Saturday sale would be done in 30 minutes or less....seems a lot of people collect Hostas for their garden......George

Here is one Hostas that appears to be on steroids.....it was almost waist high.


Along the way near Ilderton, Ont....Dandelions as far as one can see.

Field of Dreams or Nightmares

I passed this field of dandelions a few weeks ago on my way up to the boat and had to stop and take a few photos. If you are a gardener or one that keeps your lawn nice this would be a nightmare neighbor.....George