Monday 30 December 2013

Chrismas with the Grandkids

Seems the presents are getting larger or the grandchildren smaller. Here we see Grace opening a present from Jessica on Christmas Eve.
 We had a really nice Christmas visiting with our grandchildren Christmas Morning. We actually had to be called as we slept in...guess it was the late night Christmas Eve. After a 8am call from Dee (we were to be at Dee's at 8am) we scrambled to get ready and over to Kyle and Dee's home for gift opening....George

Did I mention the kids are getting smaller. Owen's hot wheel set is as tall as him.

After visiting with Owen and Grace we headed over to our sons home Jamie to open gifts with our grandson Kingston. Here is the gang in their onezies.
Jessica's little one Declan is seen with Susanne on Christmas Eve. Declan was the first that evening to call it a night. I am sure that will change in a few years.
Owen always has a smile on his face. Here he is in front of our Christmas tree.

Sunday 29 December 2013

Christmas Eve

Devin, Jamie, Susanne and Nathan finish off the last of the liquor on Christmas Eve. Little did they know I have a stash hidden for Christmas Day.

The gang gathered once again at our home for Christmas Eve...the gang seems to keep growing year after year. Anyhow the last of the last did not leave till well after 2am. By then most of the booze was gone. Seems my son and son-in-law got a little creative. The took the ice bucket with some melted cubes, added what was left of the rum and the part bottle of Coke that was on the counter making one last drink. Since it became a group drink...straws were in order. Could not miss a chance for a photo of this....cheers....George

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year....New Years goal is...look for a warmer spot in 2014....George Dutka

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Out on the Lake for Sunset

A happy crowd out for a sunset ride at Grand Bend.
This photo I took a few years back at Grand Bend during a sunset run on future brother in law's Mark Crompton's 30' Doral. We used to do this regularly....a run up the river then out to the lake. On this trip as on most we have a big gang on board. At the rear is my son Jamie on the left and son in law Kyle, in the forground is Susanne, Michelle and with his back to us Devin. This is one of my best memories of summer evenings at the lake....George

Along the way

With the US Thanksgiving past, pumpkins still grace many location  in New England and New York state. Here is a group of pumpkins lining the entrance to a restaurant in Utica, NY. The old steam engine is found on display at the train station.
 Along the the Berkshire`s
Thought I would share a couple more views I took while traveling to the Berkshire`s. As Don and I age we need more stops to stretch. This gives us more opportunities to get in some extra photography....George

A late afternoon view of main street in Cambridge, NY. during my trip to the Berkshire`s. As one can see it is a sleepy little town.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Tropical Bar

Thought you might enjoy a view of a great place to be sitting at on  a weekend afternoon....George

Pull up a chair and enjoy yourself.
A great looking display for a tropical feel to a bar.